Road Street Lighting Infrastructure
Highway or street lighting is a means of improving the urban environment through increased comfort, convenience, and safety of night traffic operation. Street lighting design is the design of street lighting such that people can safely continue their travels on the road.
We proudly to say, ACECO has a highly motivated team that provides quality products and service to our customers, which is safe, reliable, and effective, thereby achieving a high level of customer satisfaction, supporting the environmental preservation, and executing the projects and handling over within the committed time.
The quantity and quality of lighting:
There is a considerable difference between good and bad lighting. Many factors need to be taken into account in order to get optimal results. The research has also outlined that the following aspects are important in achieving this:
More light (Lm), up to a point
Uniformity of light (Uo), up to a point
Reduced glare (TI)
Good color rendering (Ra)
White light, especially in densely populated areas
That more light provides leads to heightened security is hardly surprising, but appropriate lighting involves more than just quantity. Ensuring uniform light and the least possible glare is important to avoid large differences between different areas and stretches of road. This helps the eye adapt and reduces glare from wet road surfaces. Proper shielding and placing the fittings at the right height is important to preventing direct glare and ensuring the right light distribution
In addition to these general considerations, the recommended amount of light is calculated based on key factors including the type of road, the speed limit, the average amount of daily traffic (AADT), and the surrounding environment.
Importance of Road Lighting:
Street lighting enhances visibility at night through artificial lighting decreases stress on driving and makes sure comfort.
It feels very easy to drive a vehicle in the presence of street lighting.
With the help of street lighting traffic speed can be improved and traffic flow conditions can be made better.
Architects and town planners have considered lighting as a major source for the beautification of their projects.

ACECO is investing its resources in in-house capabilities for Design Engineering, Manufacturing, Construction, and Maintenance Products. These are applicable to a wide variety of projects such as Highways, Roadways, industries, buildings,s and Infrastructure development. We continually strive to offer our customers the best possible solutions and to meet all of their needs with satisfaction.
Different types of streetlights are as follows:
Metal Halide Street Lights
High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) Street Lights
Low-Pressure Sodium (LPS) Street Lights
Light Emitting Diode (LED) Street Lights
Phosphor-Converted Amber (PCA) LED Street Lights
Narrow-Band Amber (NBA) LED Street Lights
ACECO engineers generate significant cost savings:
Lighting your road network does not need to be expensive. While it is well-known that LED technology reduces energy consumption, our luminaries deliver a superior lumen/watt ratio to light roads in the most efficient manner and dramatically cut the power needed.
Fitted with sensors and control systems, they can dim the lighting when there is little activity to cut power consumption costs even more. And less energy means a lower carbon footprint.
In addition, our control solution will enable you to effectively plan, monitor, troubleshoot, and report on your lighting network to reduce maintenance costs as well.

Key Factors to Consider in the Street Lighting Design:
The lighting effect and overall quantity can better communicate with the end customer and calculate the project cost more accurately. At the same time, it also displays detailed street lighting data for customers, which can meet the different lighting requirements of customers.
Street lighting evaluation indicators include average road luminance (road average luminance, road minimum luminance), brightness uniformity, longitudinal uniformity, glare, environmental ratio SR, Color Rendering Index, and visual inducement. So these are the points we need to pay attention to when doing street lighting design.